• Rosinawati Dewi UNS Surakarta
  • Sarwiji Suwandi UNS Surakarta
  • Edy Tri Sulistyo UNS Surakarta
Abstract views: 391 , PDF downloads: 434
Keywords: principles of politeness, learning, teachers, students, fem


The purposes of this study are to explain (1) the form of politeness principles by language teacher languages and female students in the learning process of Indonesian language at SMA Al Abidin Bilingual Boarding School (SMA ABBS), (2) violation to politeness principle of female teachers and female students in learning process of Indonesian learning in SMA ABBS.  Using qualitative approach, this study assigned the 2nd graders of SMA ABBS as the research subjet. Data were collected using recording techniques. Validity in this study was examined using method triangulation. Results of this study show five varieties of politeness principles including maxim of tact, generousity, praise, humanity and consciousness and the violations of the five maxims do occur in learning process of Indonesian language among teachers and female students.



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How to Cite
Dewi, R., Suwandi, S., & Sulistyo, E. T. (2018). KESANTUNAN GURU DAN SISWA PEREMPUAN DALAM PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA DI SEKOLAH BILINGUAL. LINGUA : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya, 15(2), 147-162.