Body Language and Its Universal Meaning: the Interpretation of Body Language in the Little Black Book Film

  • Lalu Suhirman Universitas Cenderawasih Jayapura, Papua
Abstract views: 1155 , pdf downloads: 1677
Keywords: body language, facial expression, non–verbal language


This study aims to examine body language, namely facial expressions that appear in film scenes entitled 'Little Black Book'. Therefore, this study discusses two research questions: 1) what conventional meaning is expressed by the facial expressions of central figures in 'Little Black Book' film?  2) what are the forms and patterns of body language that carry important messages besides facial expressions in 'Little Black Book' film? This study uses a qualitative approach to analyze data. The data source of this research is the film "Little Black Book". The data of this study are certain scenes related to body language. Data is collected through observation, which is watching carefully and repeatedly, and cutting or copying images that show gesture or gesture of body language. The result found was facial expressions which specified at  upper neck, namely: head, eyes, and mouth. while the other parts of body language were  hands and other acts of body language.



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How to Cite
Suhirman, L. (2019). Body Language and Its Universal Meaning: the Interpretation of Body Language in the Little Black Book Film. LINGUA : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya, 16(2), 175-194.