Metafora dalam Pitaruah Ayah Karya Sanggar Balerong Jakarta

  • Geni Anggraini Universitas Andalas, Kampus Limau Manih Pauh Padang, Indonesia
  • Nadra Nadra Universitas Andalas, Kampus Limau Manih Pauh Padang, Indonesia
  • Fajri Usman Universitas Andalas, Kampus Limau Manih Pauh Padang, Indonesia
Abstract views: 416 , pdf downloads: 597
Keywords: metaphor, Pitaruah Ayah, meaning, function


Pitaruah Ayah is one of the works of Sanggar Balerong Jakarta. Pitaruah Ayah is a message and advice that contains the teachings of life, both values ​​, and norms that apply in the life of Minangkabau people. The advice conveyed in the Pitaruah Ayah uses a lot of metaphorical languages where the most dominant one is a metaphor. Metaphor is a figurative language that compares one thing to another. This study aims to identify and describe the meaning and function of metaphors in Pitaruah Ayah. The method used in collecting data is the observation method with the advanced technique of uninvolved conversation observation. Furthermore, the identify method is used namely the referential and translational method. The results of the study show that the meaning of metaphor in Pitaruah Ayah is positive connotative and negative connotative. Of the two meanings, the most common meaning is positive connotative. Then, the metaphorical functions found in the work include directive and assertive functions.




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How to Cite
Anggraini, G., Nadra, N., & Usman, F. (2021). Metafora dalam Pitaruah Ayah Karya Sanggar Balerong Jakarta. LINGUA : Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, Dan Pengajarannya, 18(1), 27-47.